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Prescribed Fire

Managing Nature with Fire

Harnessing Fire for Conservation

At Jonathan Dickinson State Park, prescribed fires are a crucial tool for maintaining the health and diversity of the ecosystem. By carefully managing these controlled burns, we help restore natural communities, reduce undergrowth, and decrease the potential for more destructive wildfires. This process not only revitalizes native flora but also provides essential benefits to the park’s wildlife.

Florida's plants and animals have evolved with the natural fire cycles initiated by lightning strikes. Many species now depend on fire for their very survival. During prescribed burns, which are carefully managed and typically last just a day, animals can safely evacuate or find refuge, minimizing harm. For plants, fire clears out competing vegetation, recycles nutrients back into the soil, and triggers seed germination and flowering, particularly in fire-adapted species like wiregrass and longleaf pine.

Supporting Wildlife Through Habitat Management

Regular burns are essential for maintaining open habitats favored by many native species, including the endangered Florida scrub-jay and the gopher tortoise. These species thrive in environments shaped by fire, which keeps their habitats open and free from overgrowth. Fire promotes the growth of grasses and other food plants, increases seed and fruit production, and provides suitable conditions for nesting and foraging.

A Tool for Safety and Beauty

Beyond ecological health, prescribed burning is a safety measure that reduces the risk of uncontrolled wildfires by managing the accumulation of combustible plant materials. These burns help protect property and lives by lessening the severity of wildfires should they occur. Aesthetically, fire maintains the park’s beauty by promoting the growth of diverse plant life, enhancing scenic vistas, and improving visibility and access for recreational activities like hiking, biking, and wildlife viewing.

Join the Cycle of Renewal

After a controlled burn, the landscape quickly rebounds, transforming charred grounds into vibrant, green fields bursting with life. This rapid regrowth is vital for many native species, including the visually striking pitcher plants and orchids, which depend on periodic fires for their survival. By supporting prescribed burns, visitors and supporters play a role in preserving the natural cycle that sustains the park’s unique ecosystems and ensures its continued vibrancy for future generations.

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